About the Journal
Asia-Pacific Journal of Elections and Democracy (APJED) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal discussing various aspects of elections and democratization in the region. APJED aims to develop a knowledge ecosystem that is relevant for academic communities, policymakers, and democracy activists.
APJED is managed by the Association for Election and Democracy (Perludem) and Djokosoetono Research Center of University of Indonesia, supported by the Asia-Pacific Regional Support for Election and Political Transition Program (Respect) USAID.
Submissions are open year-round. APJED accepts original articles and book reviews.
Before submitting, please ensure that the manuscript fits the aims and scope of APJED and author guidelines.
All published manuscripts will be in English.
Aims and Scope
Asia-Pacific Journal of Elections and Democracy (APJED) invites theoretical, empirical, and policy-relevant submissions that cover various aspects of electoral processes and/or problems of democratization in Asia-Pacific. APJED has a multidisciplinary focus, and we, therefore, accept manuscripts grounded in political science, economics, anthropology, cultural and gender studies, history and other related fields. We also have a broad understanding of democracy, ranging from the dynamics of grassroots activism to the operations of elite politics. APJED welcomes both single-country and cross-national comparative studies. APJED practices peer review; the editors-in-chief first conduct an initial review and, if considered of sufficient quality, subsequently send the submission to external referee(s).
Open Access, Zero Fees
Asia-Pacific Journal of Elections and Democracy (APJED) is an open-access journal and adopts Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) license. APJED does not charge any fees.
All correspondence related to Asia-Pacific Journal of Elections and Democracy (APJED) should be directed to journal@perludem.org