Editorial Team
Editors in Chief
- Marcus Mietzner, College of Asia & the Pacific, Australian National University
- Titi Anggraini, Board of Advisors, Association for Election and Democracy (Perludem)
Co-Managing Editor
Conrado Maximanuel Cornelius (Djokosoetono Research Center)
Board of Editorial Advisors
- Topo Santoso, Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia.
- Burhanuddin Muhtadi, Department of Political Science, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.
- Adhy Aman, as representative of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA).
- Patricia Rinwigati Waagstein, Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia.
- Joel Mark Baysa Barredo, Strengthening Human Rights and Peace Research and Education in ASEAN/Southeast Asia (SHAPE-SEA).